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Macintosh Theatre Manager

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Now that the database server is setup and a sample database is imported, we can install Theatre Manager on the machine. These instructions are for installing on Macintosh. If you are using a mixed environment, please refer to the Windows instructions as well.
During a Full Install you will need to provide the administrator password to your machine. If you do not know this, contact your IT support or Systems Administrator.
You may need to go to Apple Menu >> System Preferences >> Security & Privacy to allow apps that are downloaded from anywhere.
If you are unable to install, you might need to use the following commands in terminal before running the installer More info is under disable power saving settings - Step 1:

sudo spctl --master-disable
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GKAutoRearm -bool NO

1. Download the Theatre Manager Mac installer if you have not done so. This link is supplied upon request.
When downloading any update for Theatre Manager, please make sure your personal firewall is turned on PCI requirement 1.4
  • Double click on the program you downloaded to extract the TheatreManager.pkg file.
  • Double click on the TheatreManager.pkg that was just extracted to begin the install process and respond to the prompts as follows
In recent versions of macOS, you may need to make a change in System Preferences after attempting to run the installer the first time before it will work.

Click continue

Click continue and read the license agreement

Click 'Agree' to accept the agreement and continue

Click Install

Enter your password (or if you have a Mac with Touch ID, use your finger)

Click 'Close' when done.

3. After installation, look for Theatre Manager link on the desktop and double-click on it to start it up. There will also be a file called TMPreview.pdf on the desktop that illustrates some key features of TM.
For databases on your local server: enter the IP address of your server and click search to see the list of databases.
If your real database is in the AMS cloud, follow these instructions.
For Demo databases: If you get asked to find a database, enter the IP address below and click Search. Normally, you should not need to do this, as the Demo database is always assumed to be on the local machine.

If you cannot connect to the database, check the following settings:

  • make sure port 5432 is open on your machine
  • make sure that the TheatreManagerDemo database got installed by using pgAdmin as per the section below, then come back and try connecting again.
5. (optional) If you are running a demonstration copy of Theatre Manager, you will see a first time setup screen asking you for your company information. All fields except the second line of address and the web site are mandatory. After you put this in the first time, you will not see it again.

These fields are used during the demo to show how Theatre Manager verifies information for you. For example, the city, state and country you enter becomes the default country for new patrons that you may add to the database. The area code for the phone number fields becomes the default for patron entry, etc.

Notice how Theatre Manager converts whatever you type into the proper case as it tries to assist in data entry.

6. Then, if you are able to connect to the database and enter the company information, you will see the login window below. The password for any of the users in the demo is 'master' (without the single quotes).
7. (Optional) if you are running Catalina, you may need to make a change to system preferences to allow permission.
  • Open System Preferences
  • Click on the Security & Privacy preferences
  • Click on the Privacy tab
  • click on Input Monitoring
  • Unlock the preferences to allow changes
  • Click on the checkbox beside Theatre Manager to enable the permission
8. In a production environment, once connected to the database in step 5, you can run the TMSetup file on any other machine in the network. After changing the pg_hba.conf file, and by editing the serial.txt file, you should be able to connect to the database.
You will need to use the IP address of the server to connect, instead of, and if you cannot connect to the server:
  • make sure port 5432 is open on the server
  • make sure that the real database is installed and setup using pgAdmin
  • there are no firewalls blocking access
  • the pg_hba.conf IP settings are correct and the server has been restarted