Gifting Tickets

Tickets can be transferred or "gifted" among patrons in a household or between patrons in the database. The main difference between transferring an order and gifting tickets is - in an order transfer, all of the financial data gets transferred. When gifting tickets, the financial data remains in the purchaser's account, while the tickets become tied to the receiver's account and that patron is listed as the attendee of the event. This is particularly helpful for the Courses module where parents in a household will frequently purchase courses for their child, but the child is actually the attendee. The gifting can happen either as a step in the initial sales process, or afterwards from the purchaser's patron window.

Gifting Tickets During Purchase

Tickets can be gifted to another household member or another patron during the initial ticket sale. To gift a ticket, you perform the following steps:

  1. Add or select the purchaser in the database.

    Click here for information on finding a patron in the database.

  2. Select the "Buy Tickets" option.
  3. Pick the Performance in the Performance Selection tab.
  4. Choose the seats in the Seat Selection tab.
  5. In the Ticket Review Tab, highlight the ticket(s) to be gifted and right-click or control-click to bring up the Context Menu.

  6. Select "Assign ticket as gift to..."

    You have the option to assign the tickets to household members or to a "Patron outside of household"

    If you want to assign one ticket to one household member or patron and another ticket to a different household member or patron, you just have to do them one at a time.

    If you select a Patron outside of the household, a window opens to enter the patron number or use the lookup to find a patron in the database:

    1. Type some part of the first name, last name and/or company to find the patron you want
    2. Double click on the patron to move them to the top. If oyu want to find/select a different patron, then repeat the steps
    3. Once you have the patron you want to assign the ticket to, then click the 'assign gift' button to finish

  7. Proceed to the Payment screen to finish the transaction.
  8. The following quick reference information is available for selling a Ticket

    Reference Guide (pdf)

    Cheatsheet (pdf)

    Flash ScreenCast

    MP4 ScreenCast


Gifting Tickets From the Patron Window

Tickets can also be gifted after purchase from the patron window. To gift a ticket from the patron window, you perform the following steps:
  1. Select the patron who purchased the tickets from the database.

    Click here for more information.

  2. On the Tickets Tab, highlight the ticket(s) to be gifted and right-click or control-click to bring up the Context menu.

  3. Select "Assign ticket as gift to..."

    You have the option to assign the tickets to household members or to a "Patron outside of household"

    If you want to assign one ticket to one household member or patron and another ticket to a different household member or patron, they have to be done one at a time.

  4. If you choose a Patron outside of the household, a window opens for you to enter the patron number or use the lookup to find a patron in the database.


Viewing Gifted Tickets

There are multiple ways to view gifted tickets.

There is a column called Gift Status in the Tickets Tab of the purchaser's Patron Window that shows Gifted Tickets:

And the same column in the receiver's Patron Window shows:

The Household view shows more Gifted Tickets detail:

The Attendance Tab of the Play or Event Window will show the receiver's name and the gifted status:

The Maps Tab of the Play or Event Window will show the Gifted Ticket status when the mouse hovers over the seats in question:
