Issue details

There is a lot of information that a FogBugz issue can hold. The documentation, again, will provide the most complete overview of all the data, but here are a few areas you should be familiar with.


This is the general description of what is wrong. Depending on the source of the issue there may be step-by-step instructions to reproduce, or just a blab of text asking for something to work a certain way. If you don’t understand the description, get clarification from the submitter or the correspondent. The submitter is the person who created the task (‘opened by’). The correspondent is the email address of the customer who submitted or reported the issue.

For all Bugs or Support Issues

Enter a longer description of the problem or issue at hand, including the steps to re-create the issue. If appropriate, including specific patron numbers, order numbers, ticket numbers (or ticket section/Row/Seat/Event/Performance), shows, shopping carts and attach screenshots using the 'Attach File' link at the bottom of the screen.

  • Enter the correspondent's email address if the incoming item is a phone message
  • Assign to a staff member (normally yourself, but could be second level support>
  • attach or relate to any prior sub-cases that you are aware of or are in the links
  • Estimate the amount of time that it may take to solve the issue
  • Enter the version of the software in the form VXXXXX - such as V82501 - that the user experienced the issue with
  • Indicate what operating system that the user illustrated the problem with

For New Development

For new development tasks, or task transferred from support to development:

  • enter the estimated due date (or date that the customer might want the item) if there is a deadline
  • Assign the task you 'unassigned development'
  • Change the 'project' from 'Inbox' to 'Theatre Manager'
  • Change the area that the problem is in to categorize it. That way, when code is opened up, we can look at other tasks in that area and resolve one or more issues, or see how often the issue has been reported
  • Indicate the approximate release we may wish to release this code