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PostgreSQL Database Server

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The following instructions are used to set up a PostgreSQL server for use with the Theatre Manager application. Please follow the directions appropriate for the server platform you are using.

  • Installation on a Macintosh
  • Installation on Windows
  • Postgres will run on Linux and other Unix variants. You will have to install the server yourself by obtaining it from the PostgreSQL web site and follow much of the Macintosh setup steps for configuration and backups. We do not provide automatic installers or configuration/operational support for Linux servers.

The server only needs to be set up on one machine where you want the database to reside. Theatre Manager can be set up on as many machines as you wish.

  • Always make off machine AND offsite backups of the database. Consider implementing streaming replication. Backups are your best protection against almost all disasters, viruses or ransomware.
  • NEVER join a domain. This limits the people who can see or get into the machine remotely and largely avoids viruses.
  • Only allow external access via port 5432 for SQL traffic. Do not allow file server access.
  • If you must, only install virus software on the PostgreSQL Server under very controlled circumstances and never allow virus scanners to scan the actual Postgres database directories.

    Remember that Virus Software is the strongest attack vector for the bad guys and not guaranteed safety.

Replication is a feature of Postgres and is automatically set up for venues using AMS Cloud. Self service venues may set this up if they wish - the support team is unable to help you.
If you are using PCI schedule 'A", 'B', or 'C' compliance, credit card information will never pass through the database and it can effectively be taken out of PCI scope.

Refer to Postgres security notices for list of security issues addressed in each version.