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Print or Email Unprinted Tickets

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The Print (or Email) Unprinted Tickets function is commonly used to print all tickets for a performance that have not been printed. Multiple performances can be printed in one batch, but it is recommended that each batch be a separate performance.

From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Tickets.

This will open two windows, with the Parameter window in front.

Parts of the Unprinted Parameters Window

If available, uses the default search criteria for this report.
If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria.
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria.
Opens the Add/Edit Parameter window to facilitate adding new criteria. Click here for more information on the Add/Edit Parameter window.
Opens the currently selected criteria in the Add/Edit Parameter window to allow adjustments.
Deletes the currently selected criteria.
Deletes all criteria from the Search tab.
Allows for adjustments to the criteria if more specialization is available.
Prints a listing of the criteria currently in the Search tab.
Tests the current criteria to see how many records will be returned. A message will appear at the bottom of the window showing the number of records to be returned.
Groups the currently selected criteria. This forces the criteria to take precedence in the search.
Ungroups the currently selected criteria.
The Search tab is used to enter the criteria to be used in the search of records. For more information on the Search tab, click here.
The Selection Limits tab is used to enter limits for the number of items to be printed. For more information on the Selection Limits tab, click here.
The Additional Items tab is used to mark any additional items that should be printed when the batch is printed. For more information on the Additional Items tab, click here.
The Sort tab is used to determine how the batch should be sorted when printed. For more information on the Sort tab, click here.

For more information on the Batch Printing window for batch ticket printing, click here.